Daily Coffee

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Cia. Orgânica – Daily Coffee – Café Orgânico
Blend: Mogiana Paulista – Northern part of the State of São Paulo – and Southern Minas Gerais

Classic, full-bodied coffee with a more pronounced roasting. Presents very pleasant aroma, pronounced flavor, low acidity and characteristic bitterness.

How to use

The strong everyday coffee. Prepare it with paper or cloth filter. Also good with the moka-express.

Daily Coffee.

The Brazilian way (of drinking coffee)

Affectionately known as the ‘yellow-boxed coffee’, it was prepared by Cia Organica to meet the traditional Brazilian palate. Strong, full-bodied and organic, it is ideal for your mornings (or evenings), for the post-lunch-pause or that break in the middle of the afternoon. Enjoy!